The True Inhabitants of Planet Slizer...
Fire Sector
- The constant hissing and crackling of flame in this sector is a mournful dirge by and for the fire spirits who wander the lava fields. Borne of a special and ancient type of "living fire", their numbers have dwindled over the centuries and they have grown regretful of their destructive instincts. Seeking to avoid at all costs a vision of the planet consumed by fire, they do what they can to shepherd the unliving flames and fight off their own impulses to consume more of the neighboring sectors as they once did. They are at war with the Fire Slizers, who tend to attack the spirits on sight and who the spirits fear will upset the balance of the planet, as all their kind are wont to do.
Sub Sector
- The depths of the ocean house highly intelligent and equally dangerous squid-jellyfish mutants known as goblers. Ranging from diminutive to massive, the goblers nevertheless universally see themselves as the lords of the sea and do not take kindly to Slizer interlopers. They are particularly incensed with the capacity of the Sub Slizers for chemical warfare, as they are unable to replicate the robots' ability to use various pearls and stones found on the seafloor in molecular-destabilizer weapons. To this end, the goblers often use their telepathic abilities to command hordes of lesser sea creatures to fight for them. Additionally, there are rumors of a massive sea serpent lurking way out in the water...
Ice Sector
- The lifeforms of this sector are perhaps the most enigmatic. Between the razor-sharp ice crystals and the constant threat of avalanches, the terrain is dangerous enough as it is-- but over the years, various Ice Slizers have reported unconfirmed encounters with yeti-like creatures who vanish as quickly as they appear. At times, landslides even seem too convenient, almost malicious, with some Slizers suggesting that the snow has chased them down the slopes, changing direction as they make their escape. How much of this is true, and whether or not the apparently malignant avalanches are related to the yeti sightings, remains a mystery.
Jungle Sector
- Though the lush jungles are home to a variety of massive snakes and flytraps, their most important inhabitans are the trees themselves. Interconnected through a deep web of roots, the trees take a highly cyclical and very long view of the world. Their rings reflect the carefully shifting balance on the planet; some years are choked with Fire Sector ash, others packed with Rock Sector dust. The trees largely view the Slizers as an aberration, but they are less overtly hostile than other natives due to their measured perspective and lack of mobility. Whether the jungle is merely a collection of individuals, or if the trees' network creates a higher consciousness of some sort, is unclear to all but themselves.
Rock Sector
- The only lifeform of note in this barren sector is in fact a kind of un-life. Emanating from a strange skull-shaped cavern, a pervasive, deadly aura has undertaken a slow spread across the region over the years. This force kills off what little vegetation thrives in the sector near rivers flowing in from the Jungle Sector, and makes future growth impossible. Unfortunately for the Rock Slizers, though this phenomenon is not targeted at them, they are not immune-- entering areas affected by the force scrambles their sensors and in extreme cases effects shutdown. Worse still, mining the sector's heavy water resources for energy only seems to exacerbate the spread, making it ever harder to get to the source.
Energy Sector
- Nothing organic lives in the shattered wastelands of this sector, but the frequent storms give birth to spirited creatures all the same. The high-flying proton monsters, known as the Ephemera, are created without fail from the particles set loose in the atmosphere during heavy bouts of lightning, but never as the same being twice. Despite this, over time a kind of racial memory has developed, and each of the Ephemera understands that their existence lasts only as long as the current storm, after which their particles will scatter until reconstituting among dozens of new beings. Though naturally aggressive, their brief existences do not allow for any particular grudge against the Energy Slizers who share the sky.